I don't know about you all, but I'm having a blast.  Please give us some feedback!  And please send in ideas, essays, etc.; we're getting tired of writing it all ourselves!  We want your input!  The Seasonal page is empty; give us some Christmas stuff!  Recipes, traditions, funny stories, anything!  Love you all, and Happy Holidays, everybody!


Special thanks to http://www.grsites.com
 for some of the graphics used on this site.  Wherever I've used their pix, I've linked them to their website.  Thanks WebGraphics!


Remember:  Since our content changes regularly you may need to refresh your computer's memory of the site.  If you don't see changes on this page, click "refresh" while holding down the shift key. 

I haven't heard from any of you, but I see there have been a few hits on the site.  Keep looking, and sign in so I'll know who's been here!


I want your input!  Give me your comments here, or send me your ideas for the newsletter.   Email me at [email protected].  Click "ABOUT PMS" to see how we got started.  Say a prayer and jump right in, Sister!